The WIN System Technical Net – Every Friday at 18:30 Pacific Time on Allstar Hub 2560 and IRLP Reflector 9100

Your Net Control Station N5ZUA

The WIN System Tech Net is open to all Radio Amateurs.

The purpose of the WIN System Tech Net is to enlighten amateur radio operators on things of a technical nature.

We do our best to answer any technical question for the benefit of all listening amateur radio operators. 
Is there a technical subject that has never been made quite clear to you? Well, this is your opportunity to find an answer and to have your fellow amateurs from around the world share in the answer.
So please have the courage to ask that question you have been wondering about.
Remember, the only dumb question is the one that is not asked.

Please join us every Friday night at 6:30 PM Pacific Time for the WIN System Technical Net.

The WIN System Tech Net is a directed net and all stations will direct their traffic through net control.
Please listen to the Net Controller and respond when called – your question will be directed to the appropriate technical expert. 

You may even get your question answered by Gordon West who will be a guest expert when his time allows it.